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Love & Guts

Nov 13, 2020

#180 Dr. Allison Siebecker, nicknamed “the Queen of SIBO”, is a naturopathic physician, award-winning author, clinician and educator, whose integrative curriculum and protocols, along with her free educational website,, have been instrumental in modern Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) treatment and awareness.

She is instructor of Advanced Gastroenterology at NUNM, as well as former medical director and co-founder of the SIBO Center for Digestive Health, the SIBO Symposiums and the GI Conference at NUNM. She serves on the IBS faculty for the GI Health Foundation and on the Continuing Education board for the Gastro ANP. Dr. Siebecker has specialised in the treatment of SIBO since 2010 and is a SIBO patient herself.

In this episode we cover

  • Why ascertaining whether SIBO exists matters?
  • The difference between SIBO and IBS
  • What’s new in SIBO
  • Key tips and strategies for SIBO treatment - Including caveats or lesser known things to be mindful of
  • Problems, challenges with the interpretation of SIBO test results
  • If recovery from SIBO possible
  • Allison's thoughts on whether someone should adhere to the SIBO diet 100%
  • We discuss the Next Steps For Treating Tough SIBO summit (nov 17-18). I've signed up, will you?